ISMA Mexico City (2002)

ISMA México City
9-13 de diciembre de 2002

Coorganizado por el Dr. Eduardo Castro y Miguel Zenker.

Opiniones emitidas por participantes

... quiero insistir de nuevo en que fue una organización perfecta. Me habéis dado una oportunidad para interaccionar con gente muy distinta, iniciar posibles colaboraciones y aprender cosas. ¡Muchísimas gracias a los dos!

Ana Barjau
Universidad Politécnica de Barcelona

Thank you for the most fantastic visit to Mexico! Thank you again for a very successful symposium and the exotic experience our stay in your beautiful country gave us!

Knut Guettler

Here's one delayed comment about the ISMA meeting. I really loved it, had a great time. Thank you very much for this great conference.

As a last touch, please have a look at my homepage of my final view of Mexico.

Kristoffer Jensen
Music Informatics Laboratory
Department of Datalogy, University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 1, 2100 OE, Copenhagen, Denmark
phone: +45-35321400, fax: +45-35321401

We would like once again to thank you for the invitation to participate in the ISMA conference. It was a very profitable event for all of us.
By this occasion we would like to thank you very much for the perfect organization of the conference and your great hospitality.

Kostek Bozena
Gdansk University of Technology

Quiero decirte que el congreso ha sido para mi una magnífica experiencia, porque nunca había tenido ocasión de seguir el discurso de los acústicos en todas sus variantes (psicológicas, neurológicas y otras perversidades). Me ha encantado y he aprendido mucho.

Dra. Cristina Bordas
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Thank you very much for your invitation in ISMA Mexico and congratulations for having organized it.

Joel Gilbert
Charge de Recherche CNRS
Laboratoire d'Acoustique de L'Université du Maine (UMR CNRS 6613)
Faculté des Sciences
Avenue Olivier Messiaen
72085 Le Mans Cedex 9
Email :

Thank you for your great kindness and friendship, and for the opportunity to participate in a wonderful symposium.

Laurence Libin
Metropolitan Museum of New York

I would like to thank you for the nice symposium. It was a good forum for exchanging information and view points between scientists with interestingly different backgrounds but with a shared love to music.

Mari Tervaniemi
University of Helsinki

I realize that I did in fact not send you any signs of my gratitude for inviting me to the ISMA conference. I found the conference very stimulating and very much appreciated the superb composition of invited speakers which made me meet many new and old friends and learn a lot. Thus, I want to compliment and thank you for arranging this meeting, and I send you warm wishes for a prosperous 2003!

Johan Sundberg
Professor of Music Acoustics, KTH
Department of Speech Music and Hearing
SE-100 44 Stockholm

Quería aprovechar este mensaje para agradeceros de Nuevo vuestra invitación. El sentir de todos los investigadores que conozco y que estuvieron en Isma-México ha sido unánime en destacar la originalidad de este congreso. Su novedad ha estado fundamentalmente en la inclusión de sesiones de musicología y museología. Estimo que era un eslabón perdido en otros Ismas en los que he participado. Cada vez hay más trabajos acústicos de instrumentos más especiales, pero no se hace casi nunca un estudio musicológico previo que encuadre histórica y artísticamente el instrumento musical que se analiza. Pienso que esta idea vuestra interdisciplinar va a marcar un nuevo giro en los futuros encuentros de área. Para mí ha sido una experiencia estupenda el poder conversar con musicólogos y conservadores de museos. Así he conocido cuáles son los aspectos que más les preocupan y sobre los cuales debería ir encaminada la investigación acústica futura.
Por ello os reitero mi enhorabuena, tal y como en varias ocasiones os la dirigí en México.

Dr. José Bretos
Universidad Pública de Navarra
Depto. de Física
Campo de Arrosadía
E-31006 Pamplona

Thank you for so kindly inviting me to participate in Symposium as a guest of ISMA. I very much enjoyed my first visit to Mexico and the very special ISMA.
You are to be congratulated on organizing such a splendid conference, and I will have no hesitation in recommending to the CIMCIM Board the plan you outlined for overlapping CIAMIM / CIMICM Meetings in 2005.

Dr. Arnold Myers
Director and Curator
University of Edinburgh

I would thank you both for organizing an excellent conference, and for inviting me to attend and present the conservation viewpoint. I don’t think I have ever attended a conference that showed such a wide range of professional disciplines and expertise. It was unique, and a wonderful experience as a result.
Your hospitality and thoughtfulness was much appreciated. Having been a conference organizer myself I know what a strain it is to pull everything together in the weeks before, and then be ‘on the spot’ for a whole week. Congratulations in making it all work.
I am sure we will be in touch in the near future, and if your plans for 2005 mature, please let me know.
ps. I would be very happy if you could send me the ocarina I had so much fun making. What an excellent addition to the conference programme!

Robert Barclay
Senior Conservator
Historic Objects
Canadian Conservation Institute

Thanks for hosting me at the most enjoyable and stimulating conference. I particularly liked the … interdisciplinary nature of the conference.

Aniruddh Patel, Ph. D.
Associate Fellow
The Neurosciences Institute
10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr.
San Diego, CA 92121

Again I want to express my appreciation for the outstanding Symposium. I enjoyed my participation very much.

Clifford K. Madsen
The Florida State University
Florida 32306-1180

Congratulations on a fine conference. It was very well designed from my view at least, appeared to run without a hitch. I met faces and caught up on things, research and otherwise, from my friends John Geringer and Cliff Madsen. I was generally impressed on the quality of papers and as a result brought home some new ideas, thank you for that as well.

Dr. Harold Fiske
University of Western Ontario
London, Ont.

Como tuvimos la interrupción causada por las fiestas de fin de año, nunca tuve la oportunidad de agradecerle formalmente por la organización del congreso de ISMA. La verdad es que lo disfruté mucho, y lo mismo escuché de parte de mis colegas que estuvieron también presentes. Creo que fue todo un éxito, y al menos de mi parte, creo que hubo un buen intercambio de ideas entre investigadores de muy distintos campos.
Me agradó mucho la reunión y creo que fue muy exitosa. Lo felicito por la organización.

Robert J. Zatorre, Ph.D.
Montreal Neurological Institute
3801 University St.
Montreal, QC Canada H3A 2B4

Los textos de las ponencias serán integradas posteriormente, por razones técnicas.

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